:: WHIRLHOST :: Love your hosting this Valentines day with 2x 流量 and 50% off!!

whirling away the competition
Valentines Day Special - Free double bandwidth and 50% off first month or 25% off for life!
▼Scroll down for plans▼
██ Why Us?
We have been in business since 2005, and we have no intention of going out of business soon. We're constantly keeping up with the demand for services and pride ourselves on our speed, reliability and support. All our services are semi-managed, we will help you as much as we can until we need to refer you to a server tech (which is rare).
██ What are your VPS node specs?
Our VPS node specifications are as follows:
█ Quad Core Xeon X3220 2.4GHz
█ 2x500GB+ Hard Drives in a RAID-1 array
█ OpenVZ virtualization with HyperVM
██ Where are your servers?
Our servers our located in the Silicon Valley Telecom and Internet Exchange in San Jose.
██ So, what's the special?
Well, there's really 2 specials here, they both include free double bandwidth, here are the coupon codes:
LOVEMONTH - 50% off your hosting for the first month.
LOVELIFE - 25% off your hosting for life.
These offers expire on the 20th of February 2009.
██ The VPS plans ██
█ VPS Mini
█ 10GB Disk Space
█ 50GB Bandwidth █ 100GB Bandwidth with both coupon codes!
█ 256MB Dedicated RAM
█ 512MB Burst RAM
█ $15/mo █ $7.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $11.25/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ http://my.whirlhost.com/cart.php?a=add pid=42
█ VPS Basic
█ 25GB Disk Space
█ 125GB Bandwidth █ 250GB Bandwidth with both coupon codes!
█ 512MB Dedicated RAM
█ 1024MB (1GB) Burst RAM
█ $25/mo █ $12.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $18.75/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ http://my.whirlhost.com/cart.php?a=add pid=43
█ VPS Max
█ 50GB Disk Space
█ 250GB Bandwidth █ 500GB Bandwidth with both coupon codes!
█ 1024MB (1GB) Dedicated RAM
█ 1536MB (1.5GB) Burst RAM
█ $35/mo █ $17.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $26.25/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ http://my.whirlhost.com/cart.php?a=add pid=40
█ VPS Extreme
█ 100GB Disk Space
█ 500GB Bandwidth █ 1,000GB Bandwidth with both coupon codes!
█ 1536MB (1.5GB) Dedicated RAM
█ 2048MB (2GB) Burst RAM
█ $50/mo █ $25 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $37.50/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ http://my.whirlhost.com/cart.php?a=add pid=41
██ Addons
█ cPanel - $15/mo █ $7.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $11.25/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ DirectAdmin - $5/mo █ $2.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $3.75/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ LXAdmin - Free
█ Webmin - Free
█ Extra IPs on initial order (max 5) - $1/mo █ $0.50 with coupon LOVEMONTH █ $0.75/mo with coupon LOVELIFE
█ Extra IPs after order - $1.25/mo
██ Questions?
If you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread, PM me, IM me (icons at the top right of this post), or open a sales ticket at http://my.whirlhost.com

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