CloudFire - Lowcost 欧洲 Cloud Shared WebHosting

CloudFire was launched in 2013 and aim to provide the best high quality and low cost cloud hosting packages.
With CloudFire you can get your very own website hosting package for only 12€/year, including cPanel, Softaculous and CloudFlare.
This is our new service for customers who want an affordable webhosting service, with all the top features and advantages of an cloud infra-structure.
CloudFire servers are located in Oporto, Portugal and we use high level hardware from Cisco and Dell to improve the performance and reliability of our services.
Because of the way we optimize our cloud service and the automation of most of the procedures, we are able to provide you with the best prices. Also, our support is always happy to help you and most of the procedures are already documented.
At this moment our website is only available in Portuguese (we are currently translating to other languages), but you will have no problems by using Google Translate and if you have any question, you can always contact us via e-mail at suporte[at]CloudFire[dot]pt.
Please check our Hosting Plans:
CloudFire CF-SDisk Space: 1GB25GB Monthly Bandwidth10 E-mail Accounts3 MySQL DatabasesPrice: 12€/year Order CF-S
CloudFire CF-MDisk Space: 3GBUnlimited Monthly Bandwidth25 E-mail Accounts5 MySQL DatabasesDaily BackupsPrice: 20€/year Order CF-M
CloudFire CF-LDisk Space: 6GBUnlimited Monthly Bandwidth50 E-mail Accounts10 MySQL DatabasesDaily BackupsPrice: 30€/year Order CF-L
Follow us: Facebook - Google+ - Twitter - Youtube - CloudFire Blog

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