DediServe expands into 日本! | Ultra-fast Ultra-flexible Enterprise cloud - 24x7x365 Support

Another next-gen cloud in an amazing Eastern location, unrivaled stability, performance and connectivity, join us in Tokyo!
140% VM-level performance increase3.5-5x Faster SSD storage10x Faster NAS/Backup/template connectivity4x Faster server provisioningBrand-new Dell/EMC blade architectureEnterprise All-Flash SAN array
For the first month get 50% off in the location, this applies to all Flexible Resources and Fixed instances, using promo code JP2018.
Check us out!
About us: For almost 10 years, DediServe’s mission has been to combine the scalability, flexibility, and cost effectiveness of the cloud with total reliability and support. Strategically positioned with 18 locations worldwide, the DediServe platform empowers users to build, deploy, and manage their global enterprise cloud with complete confidence.

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